Not Sure Where To Start When Choosing a Defibrillator to Buy?

Please answer the few questions below as best you can, and we'll show you the defibrillators that suit your requirements.

(You can select more than one answer to each question. Simply click the option to select and click it again to deselect it.)

What Type Of Environment Is The Defibrillator For?

Swimming Pool
Sports Club
Medical Facilities

Fully Automatic or Semi-Automatic?

Fully automatic defibrillators automate the entire process whereas a semi-automatic defibrillator will ask the rescuer to press a button to deliver the shock to the patient.

A fully automatic defibrillator makes the decisions, so may be better for non-experienced users. A semi-automatic defibrillator is often preferred by professionals and experienced first-aiders who would rather proceed without the voice prompts. For community use, we would generally recommend fully automatic defibrillators.

Fully Automatic

Located Indoors or Outdoors?

A suitable cabinet will be required for defibrillators kept outdoors, and the cabinet may need to be temperature controlled.


Are Paediatric Pads Required?

Some defibrillators come with combined pads suitable for both adults and children, and have a button to select whether the patient is an adult or a child.

Other defribrillators come with a separate set of paediatric pads that can be connected if necessary.

Combined Pads
Separate Pads
Not Required

Max Budget


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