Defib Sales and Training - For The Community

All communities need a Defibrillator

It takes more time for our emergency services to reach a person in need in rural areas. For anyone who suffers a cardiac arrest, the first few minutes are critical and can make the difference between life and death. Only within the first few minutes after a cardiac arrest will the victim have a shockable rhythm. Immediate defibrillation is vital. Having an AED available in your community, within 5 minutes of a victim, will result in many lives being saved.

It’s Our Mission to give everyone the ability to save a life with an AED.

It takes more time for our emergency services to reach a person in need in rural areas. For anyone who suffers a cardiac arrest, the first few minutes are critical and can make the difference between life and death. Only within the first few minutes after a cardiac arrest will the victim have a shockable rhythm. Immediate defibrillation is vital. Having an AED available in your community, within 5 minutes of a victim, will result in many lives being saved.

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is an emergency life-saving device for use in the event of sudden cardiac arrest. Around the same size as a laptop, an AED is safe, easy to use, voice prompted, semi or fully automatic and informs the user what to do. It will not shock a patient who does not need it.

Switch the AED on and it will instruct the user to connect the pads to a patient’s bare chest. The pads enable the AED to examine the patient’s heart and determine if the patient is in a viable, shockable rhythm. If the AED determines that a shock is required, it will charge in preparation to deliver a shock. The AED is very safe as it will only charge if it determines a shockable rhythm is present.

Raising awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in communities

• SCA is the UK’s biggest killer
• SCA kills more people that AIDS, Breast Cancer and Lung Cancer combined
• SCA strikes anyone, anytime, anywhere and without warning
• SCA kills 12 young people in the UK each week

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED), together with CPR, is the ONLY way to restart the heart during SCA:
• CPR alone = 5% survival
• CPR + AED = 50% survival

Contact Defib Sales and Training to see just how easy it is to save a life using an AED, whether you are a business or in the community.

Who can use an AED?

AEDs are designed to be used by a lay person, a bystander with minimal or no training in first aid (Resuscitation Council UK guidelines state that the use of AEDs should not be restricted to trained personnel). However, chances of survival increase if the person has had some awareness training in its use. For this reason, it is recommended that public awareness sessions and Defib training are made available when placing them in the community.

The value of having an AED in your community – You could help save a life using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
Lifesaving defibrillators can be housed in secure, weather-proof, heated cabinets on the exterior walls of public places with 24 hour access. All cabinets can be keypad locked for security.

In an emergency, you would call 999 to obtain the Access Code for the cabinet so that the AED can be removed and used on the patient. Meanwhile, Emergency Services are dispatched to the scene.